Sunday, November 17, 2013

Girls into women.. Girls' Brigade, Girls' Wing of BBM

My family has been heavily involved in both these youth organizations in Malaysia. My dad served as the National President of the Boys' Brigade for a number of years when I was growing up. I enjoyed getting to know a lot of the people serving in these ministries and meeting many, many people from around the world through them.

Due to manpower issues, there came a time when the Girls' Wing of the BBM was established. I will not delve into all the details because it would be very long and my accounts might be inaccurate as I was only 15 then. I remained a member of the Girls' Brigade. I never desired to move up the ranks there as I found the assignments I had to complete redundant and irrelevant to my interests and development. I had no desire to earn my Pioneer Pin. How does discipline and character building not descend into religiosity? That is such a fine line we have to walk.

Everyone has their two cents on issues like this, but lately, I've pondered it more and more. Since I've been involved in mentoring young people especially women, I do see ministry in a different light now. I am not so concerned about the activities than the purposes and goals. I've had to lead a small campus ministry under great opposition. There was no man who would take the job. The pastors who commissioned me said to me, "You know both the price of obedience to this task and the price of disobedience. Both are high prices, one might cost you your job, the other will cost you much more."

I believe that the Lord allows persecution to rise against us so we really lean on me and discern His voice for every move. I prayed for a man who could help me with mentoring some of the young men, and He provided two adult men who were sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I learned a lot from the young people I mentored. They saw me in my difficult days too and upheld me in prayer. They also held me to the responsibility of leadership, since they were present when the command was given by the Lord publicly.

I also learned that in true ministry started and sustained by the Holy Spirit, the religious spirit will attack vehemently. My pastor mentors were not surprised when I told them that my integrity was being questioned and I was slandered by quite a few people. I studied Rick Joyner's Epic Battles of the End Times and John Paul Jackson's Unmasking the Jezebelic Spirit. The battles I was facing were clearly detailed in those two books. When you are judged by what you say, what you do, how you look, etc, you know you are coming under that attack. There were accusations that I was twisting the word, manipulating and controlling my students through the bible studies. Colleagues at school rose against me too from other matters, but it had all been made known to me by the Lord that it will happen.

How do you know that you are acting in accordance to His will? I didn't miss a single devotion, day and night. If something happened during the day, I spent time with Him at lunch too. There was not a time He didn't speak clearly through His word. Every battle plan, every tactical move, every ministry decision, the Lord made it clear what I was to do or say. I surrounded myself with people who also had different prophetic giftings. I had one who could see spiritual things, I had one who could feel and sense, there were worshippers on my team and I could hear and see in dreams. We functioned together. God would never contradict Himself.

He promised a great revival and breakthrough. I thought perhaps He meant a lot of people, but no, He only gave me a group of 12 students. I was happy with that number. Jesus only had 12, so it was plenty for me. There was breakthrough and great revival in the students' lives. All of them. We saw that promise come to pass. I see them serving in different areas of ministry now, two years from that time.

Monday, August 20, 2012

God is a Matchmaker - The Plot Thickens

11. Nov 28 - One of the gals we took shopping calls me and asks to borrow my house & kitchen to cook lunch for Patrick on Dec 4. How could I say no to that request? (One of the prophetic words was that some guy would come to my house and want to fix it, and it would drive me insane, cos I can't get rid of this person. I had been avoiding throwing parties.) So I said yes even though Dec 3 was the day of the ball.  My house needed work and much cleaning. I had not finished unpacking since I moved. I said yes to her and immediately hired two of my students to come over to clean and decorate for Christmas, might as well. We tried to play hide and seek a lot, notice the word "tried." We covered up a hole in the wall!

12. Dec 3 - Sure enough .. there was the first party at my house and Patrick counts off all the things which need fixing. !! I was told to watch out for someone who would come to my house and see the state of disrepair it is in. This person would want to fix it. I'd get pretty flustered with this person and can't get rid of him. It can't be him, really?
The ball was awesome. No other guy asked me to dance and he was really surprised. He had to explain to some people we weren't a dating couple but strictly dance partners only. Great. I thought yay, I can be myself and I'm off the hook. For the first time in a long time, I felt secure with a man. I felt like a thousand bucks and something precious to be cared for. I didn't mind feeling like a trophy, led on and off the dance floor. Esther might have found her king.
I speak with a friend who can see from the Lord. He said he saw me in a red dress. I said that I did wear a red dress to the ball. He asked if it was sparkly. I said that it wasn't really sparkly but I had a silver scarf, wrap. He said okay. He also saw two lights, a red and a green light, and the red light was glowing. He said in Air Force terms, the red light is given before they are to jump out of the plane. It meant they were near the drop zone or right over it, and anytime the green would come on, and it meant JUMP. Uh oh. 
I post a couple pics on Facebook of the ball. My friend called me back. He said that wasn't the dress he saw. So he asked whether I had another red dress, with some black and gold, almost an Oriental design. I said, "Umm yes, err.. I have such a dress but it's for my wedding. You just described my Chinese wedding gown." UH OH.

13. Dec 5 - We go to the Sunday School party and I'm plugged into a church. Awesome! We spend the whole day together and have spent every Sunday 8am-9pm together since.

14. Dec 11 - We go to the OKC Nutcracker show. It's sold out but we get two free tickets. Lord's favor! Patrick steps into my world of concerts. :)

 15. Dec -  I go to Alabama. He sends me to the airport. Takes care of my An-An and my car. An-An loves him and becomes his lap cat. An-An gets her training to live with a guy. We get closer cos he was concerned that I was slightly depressed. Deer meat and other goodies start appearing in my freezer/fridge. Dec 28, I had a chance to share what had happened in my past before. We drive around to look at Christmas lights, something I haven't done in 8 years. We attend a New Year's Eve dance together.

Right before I left for AL, I brought the wedding dress over to my friend's house. He laughs. He had seen it before.. Yes, the Spirit showed him.I confirmed it.

16. Jan - Dance lessons and church. Nothing unusual. We plan to go visit IHOP-KC together.

17. Feb 3-5 - First weekend we went up to IHOP-KC. He got sick and I ended up missing the Friday service to stay with him. I didn't want to leave with his car, in case, he needed to get medicine or food. We sit on the loveseat couch (not touching) and watched the service on my iPad. Yes, there was some tension there ... I wasn't totally ignorant.
He gets three prophetic words, very interesting. Whatever was said to him just confirmed things I had already noticed. The Lord holds him in high regard and heaven keeps a close eye on him. The apt we rented was interesting. The only way to get to the bathroom was through the master bedroom which would be his! You get the humor in this.What was God trying to say or train me for?

God is a Matchmaker - How I Met My Husband

I am my beloved's and He is mine.. Song of Songs. God is a matchmaker and author of the best fairy tales. If not for dreams, prophetic words and encounters, we would have missed each other. The Lord had told me that my story would be a combination of Ruth's and Esther's. It would be so unbelievable that our children will not believe it. Here is a the rundown of events as they happened.
My left shoulder had been bothering me severely for the past year. At the last piano recital I played, I was told that God wasn't going to supernaturally heal it this time and I had to go see a doctor. I hated to have to spend money. I avoided the doctor's office for a month until I got tired of having to take students the Social Security Office in OKC. Right before going to the doctor, on September 26 - I had a dream in which the Lord told me to watch out for 2 men about 6 ft tall, had something to do with the Air Force. I saw my orthopedic on Sept 30 and he was around 6'4". No big deal with the shoulder, tendonitis he said. A steroid shot and 4 weeks of physical therapy.

1. Oct 28 - My last orthopedic appt and the doc clears my shoulder. I went ballroom dancing to celebrate that night. It was a costume dance so I had a mask on. Met someone there who was an excellent dancer. He didn't ask for my contact info so I just figured well, see him at another dance. I had a blast! Nobody could figure out who I was.

2. Oct 30 - I went to Council Road Baptist church. I told my friend that there's one date I won't turn down, if a guy came and asked me out to ballroom. Won't care who or what he is, just want to go dancing.

3. Oct 31 - I was teaching at 10:00 am. Someone walks up to the music building, my classroom to look for me. It is Patrick. I guess with only my name and workplace, it was the only way to find me. He wanted to let me know all the regular ballroom dances in OKC. So awkward to have it all play out in front of 6 students.

4. Nov 1 - I get an email from Patrick asking me to a formal ball on Dec 4. He said to call him to let him know. I did lots of checking on him and yes, he is in the Air Force.

5. Nov 2 - I accept the invitation so long as I could practice. I found out that there would be lots of prominent people of OKC at the ball. He suggests I go to church with him or check out Council Rd Baptist. HAH!

6. Nov - we figure out a few practices and I find out during our first practice that he takes care of international students at his church. He was wanting to do something for them at Thanksgiving. I told him I used to host lots of parties for that and would be willing to help.

 7. Nov 13 - I visit the intl student ministry with him.

8. Nov 18-22 - I was in Scottsdale AZ for a meeting. That was where he was stationed before in the Air Force. Had email or calls everyday from him. One in particular bugging me to go Black Friday shopping with the students and him.  While I was at the meeting, part of a dream came to pass. I had dreamt I went in search of a bagpiper playing Amazing Grace. When I found the piper in the dream, the music was coming from a wedding. The Westin had a piper every evening at 5:00 pm. Yes, I went in search of the piper and as soon as I found her, she played Amazing Grace. As the meeting ended the next day, I left the conference center to the strains of Amazing Grace again.
           On the last day, I was here I distinctly heard the Lord question me. "Where are you?" I replied, "Scottsdale, Arizona."
"Yes, but where are you?"
"What is Arizona?"
"The desert"
"Also known as?"
"The wilderness"  As soon as I said that, I heard Jon Thurlow's song lyrics repeat over and over. It goes - "I know the end of the story, I come up from the wilderness, leaning on my beloved's" Something is happening, but I don't know what.

9. Nov 25 - We spend 12 hrs chaperoning 4 girls shopping. We co-ordinate our outfits for the ball.

10. Nov 27 - I went to Council Rd Baptist and figured I was never going to plug in into that church cos I didn't know anyone. Wanted to call Patrick after church to let him know I would go to church with him next Sunday. He beat me to it. Called and said, "You are coming to church with me next week. We are going to the intl Sunday School party after church. I already told them you will be there. What food can we bring?" Very funny invitation, more like an order.
"I need my dance partner there. I promised them we would show them a couple of moves." WOW! I never promised anything but boy, this person is insistent.

God is Faithful

My ministry would lead me straight to my husband .. yes, it did happen. So much has happened that there is almost no way to write everything down in a sitting. Check out my other blog for the story.